Point-Yellow Heart, 170x160x300mm, PLA, 2024.
Point-June(6월), PLA, 450×270×340(㎜),&nb…
point-red Wing, PLA, 55x30x40cm, 2017.jpg&nbs…
Point-인+간, PLA, 230x250x400mm, 2018.
Point-Gate of Space XII. Stainless steel. 62x…
Point-Gate of Space XII. Stainless steel. 62x…
Point-Gate of Space IX
Point-Variation on the Space III. Stainless s…
Point-태양의 축제. v
Point-TS. IV
Point-Gate of Space.VIII. 2009.
Point-SP .V
FLY-VI. 73x114x100cm. Stainless Steel. 2008.
Point-Gate of Space.VI 110x68x100cm. Stainles…
Point-Fly. VIII
Point- M. VII
Point-S.P III,
Red Bird 73x114x100cm. Stainless Steel. 2008.
Point-Variation on the Space VI. Stainless st…
Point-Variation on the Space III. Stainless s…
Point-Variation on the Space II. Stainless st…
Point-Gate of Space.VII. 110x68x100cm. Stainl…
Point-Gate of Space. X. 2009.
Point-FLY. III 73x114x100cm. Stainless …